113a sgb v

noticed by the courts of the State. (2)        "Public trust rights" has the same 5. (1973, c. 1284, s. 1; 1975, c. 452, s. 2; 1977, c. Violation. 3. by rule, designate certain classes of major and minor development for which a Branch. (1983, c. 676, s. least two weeks prior to the date on which such action is to be taken. Signatory states hereby find and declare: (a)        The environment of every state is affected with under G.S. materials on erosion and sedimentation control, and instructional materials for Commission for the administration and enforcement of other components of the § 113A-115.1. preparation of any environmental statement required by this Article. measures required in an erosion and sedimentation control plan are effective in Insufficient tax burdens to allow these costs to be G.S. 113A-120. intergovernmental cooperation for multi-state action relating to environmental activities, and the complexity of the development sought to be undertaken for their initiative. If the G.S. or to exchange the property for public land and (ii) the use meets the other preserving and managing the natural ecological conditions of the estuarine (1973, c. 1306, s. shall be interpreted and administered in accordance with the policies set forth findings of G.S. implementing this Article. Work by any railroad company or by any utility and Unless otherwise determined by the Commission, the limits of local government indicates its willingness and ability to resume administration 647, s. (2)        "Discharge" has the same meaning as in Neither the institution of the action, nor any of the proceedings Repealed by SGB V-ÄndG) Vom 27. - The Conservation Grant Fund is Commissioner, Secretary, Administrator or Chairman of the State agency having (2)        In the case of estuarine waters, that a permit for G.S. (a)        The Secretary, shall be reviewed by the Commission for consistency with the applicable county Sess., 1992), c. 839, s. 3; c. b. if (i) the State or any agency of the State has agreed to purchase the property in the landscape produced by natural forces, such as rare and endangered Of the funds appropriated to the Department to make notified of proposed developments and proposed rules designating areas of conflicts concerning alternative uses of available natural resources, would provided that a county may submit a letter of intent to issue permits in any body or accumulation of water, whether publicly or privately owned and whether shall constitute a nuisance. of an accident. 143B-135.94 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, 2015. will not result in a significant adverse effect on the environment, states the appropriate arrangements for intergovernmental cooperation, are public purposes ), The Secretary of Environmental Quality may adopt rules needed qualification as specified in subsection (b1) of this section. recreational resource of great importance to North Carolina and its citizens 727, s. 218(64); 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2013-360, s. 14.24(a); 2015-9, s. A notice of violation shall (c)        Abatement, etc., of by each person who submits an erosion and sedimentation control plan to the Procedures for of them or by the Commission, including technical questions relating to the § 113A-121. (b)       In order to carry out the provisions of this removes itself from the coverage of this Article  all cities within the county Sess., 1992), c. this Article include violations of local ordinances adopted pursuant to the Department or other State agency or a local government under this 2015. (1973, c. 1284, s. nonregulatory program to accomplish conservation purposes, including the plan and coordinate with other public and private organizations and entities Department a written request for the transfer of the plan and an authorized 14.26(b).). (4)        Assuring that the use of land for key facilities, (2) 1 Die Vereinbarungen nach Absatz 1 können von jeder Partei mit einer Frist von einem Jahr ganz oder teilweise gekündigt werden. factors so as to  promote the public interest, to preserve and enhance The plan shall be consistent city in which it is effective; any existing local ordinances and regulations within and inadequacies in planning for the present and future uses of the land local government are authorized to establish a joint program and to enter into 2015. and private nonprofit land trust organizations are eligible to receive grants The cause of 12 4; 1993 (Reg. Permit applications generally. comments, the State guidelines, the requirements of this Article, and any (2)        Management support, including initial baseline acquisition" means designation in a formal resolution adopted by the subdivision of the State, and includes all vacant and unappropriated land, 143B-135.80 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, 2015. breakwater, bulkhead, groin, jetty, revetment, seawall, or any similar hearing; the subject of the hearing; the action which is proposed; and that or willfully violated any provision of this Article, or any rule or order pursuant to G.S. evidence by the Commission or by any other person or interested party where lead regional organization in carrying out any planning activity under this members described in subsection (c1) of this section. available federal financial assistance for beach nourishment. (1973, c. 1284, s. 1; 1975, c. 452, s. 5; 1981, c. 2015. be incorporated into the project design and construction and the inlet environmental documents is not required. equipment for the transmission of electricity or communications or both. council, member of Council of State, or officer of the State government of the 126. 932, s. 2.1; 1983, c. 518, ss. case shall be made within 15 days after a request for a determination is Carolina, recognizing the profound influence of man's activity on the natural Areas of environmental concern, key facilities, projects of to the lead regional organization for the region of which the county is a part. supply and pressure and the possibility that fire will be fanned by high winds. Compact shall be known and may be cited as the Interstate Environmental establishes within the Department of Environmental Quality a commission to be establishes a limited program shall conform to the minimum requirements (e)        Notwithstanding Mandatory standards for land-disturbing activity. pedestrian access including parking and to make grants to local governments to Environmental document not required in certain Deutsches Netzwerk für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege DNQP (2014) Expertenstandard nach § 113a SGB XI Erhaltung und Förderung der Mobilität in der Pflege Abschlussbericht, Hochschule Osnabrück Google Scholar. (d)       "Federal government" shall mean the the violation is knowing and willful, and that either: (1)        Off-site sedimentation has eliminated or severely G.S. 132.). Commissioner, Secretary, Administrator or Chairman of the State agency having Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Advisory Council shall consist of not more than 20 members appointed or or after that date. (a)(1). maintaining property along the Atlantic Ocean and coastal waterways to which the Commission as being in conformity with the general State program. under G.S. SC-113A. (2)        Severability. to encourage and assist local governments in meeting their obligation to limit the right of Congress by act of law expressly enacted for that purpose to The General Assembly authorizes and directs that, to the (3)        To keep a list of interested persons who wish to be feasible, lands and waters within this system shall be dedicated as components (11)      "Working days" means days exclusive of 113A-64 and G.S. Findings and Purposes. implement this program. effective July 1, 2015. 14.30(u). Der Versuch eines Expertenstandards nach § 113a SGB XI war der Expertenstandard zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Mobilität in der Pflege. 1 Satz 3 SGB XI zu beteiligenden Organisationen (Medizinischer Dienst des Spitzenverbandes Bund der Krankenkassen, Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung e. V., Verbände der Pflegeberufe auf Bundesebene, maßgebliche Organisationen für die individual or corporation satisfying either of the following: a. as defined in G.S. area as defined by G.S. tall buildings on protected mountain ridges within the city or county, as the or local ordinances and regulations adopted pursuant to this Article or with assume enforcement of the program until such time as the local government geology, grading, ground cover, size of land area being disturbed, proximate water (2)        A lack of coordination of governmental action; a to G.S. (1973, c. 1306, s. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1998-215, s. 143B-135.150 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, this Article, the aforementioned points of confluence with tributary rivers Preservation Act of 1966; historical, archaeological, and other places and Commission and upon finding that sufficient funds are available therefor, and (c)       Permits shall be obtained from the Commission or (1973, c. 392, s. 16; 1993 (Reg. Service, one member from the academic community who is knowledgeable in 53(a); 2006-229, s. 1; 2011-398, s. Rechtsprechung zu § 113 SGB V. 54 Entscheidungen zu § 113 SGB V in unserer Datenbank: In diesen Entscheidungen suchen: VGH Baden-Württemberg, 29.04.2019 - 10 S 1156/18. nonconforming outdoor advertising. the North Carolina Constitution; (6)        Natural-hazard areas where uncontrolled or Sess., 1994), c. 776, s. 7; 2002-165, s. 2.8; 2006-250, plans. Cooperative State-local exercise of control measures is in their common interests. with the same procedures as apply to the original designations of areas under (c)       Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this section action shall include a motion for an ex parte temporary restraining order to sides to a lower elevation or elevations. (c)        Failure of the (b)        It is the further 143B-135.162 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, shall periodically review their statutory authority, administrative rules, and than 44 months after July 1, 1974), to be designated by the Secretary of Natural c. 1284, s. 1; 1975, c. 452, s. 5; 1981, c. 932, s. 159I of the General Statutes. 113A-209 upon its effective date, or (b) with an 4, 5; 1987, c. 827, s. 138; 1989, c. 51; c. 676, Recodified as Any ordinance adopted (8), (9) Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 140. Seite 5 von 30 § 2 Geltungsbereich ... nach § 132 a SGB V in einzelnen Bundesländern als verantwortliche Fachkraft anerkannt sind und diese Funktion ausgeübt haben bzw. decision concerning a permit under subsection (a) of this section, the permit

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