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Fax: +49.30.2093.2048. Cultural Program for International Students of the Institute for Social Sciences in winter semester 2017/18 (german/ english) We kindly ask you to send us an email and register for the events: erasmus.sowi@hu-berlin.de. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät Currently lives in Berlin. 70% der mobilen Studierenden der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin nutzten das Erasmus+ Programm, um ihre fachlichen, sprachlichen, sozialen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen im Rahmen eines Auslandsteilstudiums oder eines Praktikums zu erweitern. Helpful contacts for questions concerning studying and living in Berlin: Erasmus coordinator of the department: Prof. Dr. Denis Gerstorf; Student assistant: Annelie Hartmann (erasmus.psychologie@hu-berlin.de) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. E-mail: erasmus.agrar@hu-berlin.de Fon +49 30 2093-8684 / -92323. The ERASMUS coordinator for incoming students at the Institute for Philosophy: Dr. Victor Kempf Post address: Institut für Philosophie, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Office: Raum 3042c Phone: +49 030 2093-2532 Email: erasmus-incoming.philosophie@hu-berlin.de Please also note the deadlines given by your home university. email: christa.brunsch@uv.hu-berlin.de phone: +49 (0)30 2093-46736 fax: +49 (0)30 2093-46716 Contact persons for incoming Erasmus students. 10099 Berlin +49 30 2093 46704. dietmar.buchmann@hu-berlin… HU . für Incomings: JEDEN MITTWOCH 16-17 Uhr "virtual Kaffeklatsch" via zoom (Passwort auf Anfrage) - Wir freuen uns mit Ihnen zu plaudern, beantworten Fragen zum Studium, zur Administration, zu Berlin - we are looking forward to meeting you at our weekly "virtual Kaffeeklatsch" ***** Unsere Facebookseite ***** Stipendiendatenbank What is Erasmus? Corona Update zur telefonischen Erreichbarkeit: Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich die Kolleg*innen des Internationalen Büros aufgrund der aktuellen Situation weitestgehend im Homeoffice befinden und daher derzeit telefonisch nicht erreichbar sind. Please also note the deadlines given by your home university. The ERASMUS coordinator for incoming students at the Institute for Philosophy: Dr. Victor Kempf Post address: Institut für Philosophie, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Office: Raum 3042c Phone: +49 030 2093-2532 Email: erasmus-incoming.philosophie@hu-berlin.de You can find more detailed information here. Erasmus Entry Team: Office hours (by phone only): Monday 10am-12pm, Tuesday 1pm-3pmTel. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät The winter and summer courses cover German language levels … 24 Office: Invalidenstr. Has a scholarship Santiago de Compostela 2020 / 2021 at university Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. You may not be able to leave your host country. erasmus.sportwissenschaft@hu-berlin.de Information on the Erasmus program. 1.4K likes. Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Personalmobilität zur Fort- und Weiterbildung, Informationen zum Online Learning Agreement (OLA) für die Studienfachberatungen, Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung, via Zoom. UK. ERASMUS+ Ausschreibung für das Akademische Jahr 2021/22, Digitale Infoveranstaltungen zum Auslandsstudium für unsere Outgoings, für Incomings: JEDEN MITTWOCH 16-17 Uhr "virtual Kaffeklatsch" via zoom (Passwort auf Anfrage) - Wir freuen uns mit Ihnen zu plaudern, beantworten Fragen zum Studium, zur Administration, zu Berlin - we are looking forward to meeting you at our weekly "virtual Kaffeeklatsch", Dorotheenstr. The application deadline is usually the 31 st of January of the current academic year for the coming academic year. TOEFL iBT 88 overall with no less than 21 in Reading, 20 … In any case, we recommend that you take part in a language course at HU that is specifically intended to support university-level study in German. Office: Invalidenstr. Tel. Fax: +49.30.2093.2048, Bereichsleitung Lehre und Studium Dorotheenstr. Born in Berlin. HU International E-Mail: erasmus.sprachlit@hu-berlin.de. Office Hours: Tuesdays 9am - 3pm Postal Adress: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät Postal Address. Students of the master’s programme European Literatures have the possibility to study one or two terms at a university in a foreign country. Students. 42 10115 Berlin Germany 24 1) Your home university has a current Erasmus contract with our institute. University of Birmingham. ERASMUS students: For advice within our faculty please refer to Stephanie Albrecht. The Department of German Studies and Linguistics of the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities invites applications for a. ERASMUS students: For advice within our faculty please refer to Stephanie Albrecht. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Office der SprachLit, Berlin, Germany. The European Union’s Erasmus program enables students, teachers and staff of European universities to spend a semester or year abroad: Students receive a grant; Tuition fees at the host university are waived. Room 3091 Phone: (+49 30) 20 93-23 63 E-Mail: erasmus-amm@hu-berlin.de. Erasmus-Coordinator Incoming & Outgoing Erasmus-Coordinator: PD Dr. Frank Riesbeck Student Assistant: Sophia Köpke. ERASMUS-Hochschulkoordinator Internationales Büro. ects.sprachlit [at]hu-berlin.de Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung, via Zoom JEDEN MITTWOCH 16-17 Uhr "virtual Kaffeklatsch" via zoom (Passwort auf Anfrage) - Wir freuen uns mit Ihnen zu plaudern, beantworten Fragen zum Studium, zur Administration, zu Berlin - we are looking forward to meeting you at our weekly "virtual Kaffeeklatsch" : +49.30.2093.9719 Aufgrund technischer Probleme mit einigen Freemailanbietern bitten wir Sie, Ihre Bewerbungen oder E-Mail-Anfragen ggf. You can find more detailed information here. über Ihren HU-Studierendenaccount einzureichen. BA/MA: Languages, Philology, English Studies (auch für Amerikanistik-Studierende) www.bangor.ac.uk. Zimmer 3.411 Sprechstundentermine können nach Vereinbarung via Zoom angeboten werden. Dr. Agnes Henning Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin. Erasmus-Büro. Full of history while vibrating with contemporary culture, Germany's capital is an ideal place to come into contact with the innovative atmosphere created by people with a diversity of backgrounds and cultures. Each year around 1,000 ERASMUS students from as many as 30 countries come to study at the HU. Deadlines for applications (visiting students): Winter Semester and Academic Year: May 15th (application phase April 1st - May 15th) Summer Semester: December 15th (application phase November 1st - December 15th) More Information about the Online Application for studying within the framework of ERASMUS see here. Office Hours: Tuesdays 9am - 3pm Postal Adress: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät Full Professorship for „History of German Language: Language Change“ (W3) from 1 April 2022. HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN, Erasmus Code D Berlin13, situated at Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany, represented f. or the purposes of signature of this agreement by . Staff Member Erasmus+ ist das größte und bekannteste Mobilitätsprogramm Europas. For everyone: The HU German Language Academy (HU GLA) at the Language Center of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offers certified German as a Foreign Language (GFL) courses. : +49.30.2093.9606 Wichtige Informationen, insbesondere zu Lehre und Studium, werden hier auf der Webseite der Fakultät veröffentlicht. Consultation hours on Wednesdays 4-6 pm; no application required. Dr. Steffen Scholl Am Kupfergraben 5 10117 Berlin. Erasmus Berlin. Musicology. Universitätsgebäude am Hegelplatz Dorotheenstraße 24, Raum 3.309 10117 Berlin Telefon: +49-30-2093 9604 Fax: +49-30-2093 9602 E-Mail: dekanat.sprachlit@hu-berlin… E-Mail: birgit.lettmann[at]hu-berlin.de, Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung, via Zoom, Wir freuen uns Sie kennenzulernen, beantworten Fragen zum Studium, zur Administration, zu Berlin - we are looking forward to meeting you at our weekly "virtual Kaffeeklatsch". TOEFL iBT 88 overall with no less than 21 in Reading, 20 … ERASMUS® is a registered trademark owned by the European Union and represented by the European Commission. BA: German Studies, Romance Studies, English Studies, Slavic Studies, History, Music Sprachanforderungen: IELTS 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in any one component. 24 Birgit Lettmann Zimmer 3.412 This website is not related to the European Union and the European Commission either. The apartment has recently been renovated and modernized.You will share it with two young women who are easy-going and pleasant to live with.They are English and French spoken. Please note that all students striving for an exchange semester at Humboldt-Universität must apply through their home university. E-mail: erasmus.agrar@hu-berlin.de Fon +49 30 2093-8684 / -92323. On the basis of applications in AGNES, you should complete the learning agreement within two weeks after beginning studies at the latest. Humboldt University of Berlin(German: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, abbreviated HU Berlin) is a publicresearch universityin the central borough of Mittein Berlin, Germany. For specific questions, don't hesitate to speak to any instructor/professor of the department. University of Birmingham. Erasmus Code: D BERLIN13 Website: www.hu-berlin.de Humboldt University of Berlin is the oldest university in Berlin (founded in 1810). Interessante Stellenausschreibung für studentische Hilfskräfte https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/de/sprachlit/lehre/bachelor/ba1415/ba_arbeit_html If an exchange agreement does not exist between your university and Humboldt-Universität, you are not eligible for admission as an exchange student.Furthermore, w… Tel. Tel. Der Pandemiestab sowie das Präsidium der HU treffen – falls erforderlich – sukzessive weitere Entscheidungen. The School of Business and Economics offers exchange possibilities based on strategic global partnerships on the faculty level. 2) Your knowledge of German is at least at GER level B2. Erasmus experience in Berlin, Germany, by Clémentine Why did you choose to go to Berlin, Germany? 110, 10115 Berlin Room 205/207. Die Anmeldung ist erst abgeschlossen, nachdem Sie den Bestätigungslink, welchen Sie per E-Mail erhalten, aktiviert haben. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. For further information about studying abroad please contact Stephanie Trigoudis, the coordinator for … Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Office der SprachLit, Berlin, Germany. Auch das Dekanat und die Fakultätsverwaltung der Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät befassen sich intensiv mit auftretenden Fragen rund um den Forschungs-, Lehr-, Prüfungs- und Verwaltungsbetrieb. The ERASMUS programme enables 200,000 students each year to study abroad for one or two semesters. Assistant Erasmus Coordinator. University of Bangor. Since 2014-15, Erasmus has brought together existing EU programmes for lifelong learning, youth, and sport, and the European cooperation programmes in higher education – the latter mostly organised through bilateral … Eligibility of students for exchange studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is based on a partnership created between the student's home university and Humboldt-Universität. As part of EU education programmes, Erasmus has been promoting exchanges among universities in Europe for over 20 years. The learning agreement will be given to the ERASMUS … Gerne berät Sie das ERASMUS-Team der HU. : +49 30 2093-66280 erasmus.culture@hu-berlin.de Skype: erasmus-office_culture_arts (by arrangement) Room: 4.12. The university boasts many great alumni such as; Albert Einstein, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Karl Marx and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. UK. Informação para estudantes Erasmus em HU , Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlim, Alemanha: blogues, experiência e fotos. ; Distance calculator For organisations taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme, this tool calculates travel distances. Postal Address. If you are looking for more detailed information please refer to the Erasmus pages of the Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities. Programme guide The Programme Guide is the key document for getting to know the Erasmus+ programme. 1) Your home university has a current Erasmus contract with our institute. Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Facebook-Seite an alle … 110, 10115 Berlin Room 205/207. You can send the documents either by E-mail (erasmus.agrar@hu-berlin.de ) or by regular mail to: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, ADTI Herr PD Dr. Frank Riesbeck Erasmus-Büro Invalidenstr. Studied at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. For specific questions, don't hesitate to speak to any instructor/professor of the department. This website is just a Social Network or Online Community for international students and is not related in any way to the ERASMUS® trademark. 1.4K likes. Helpful contacts for questions concerning studying and living in Berlin: Erasmus coordinator of the department: Prof. Dr. Denis Gerstorf; Student assistant: Annelie Hartmann (erasmus.psychologie@hu-berlin.de) Erasmus-Büro. Subtitles in English and other languages, please click on 'Untertitel', then 'Einstellungen' then again 'Untertitel' and on 'automatisch übersetzen', Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Probevorträge im Berufungsverfahren zur Besetzung der Juniorprofessur "Fachdidaktik Englisch". Unter den Linden 6. Tel. Berlin is widely considered to be one of the most exciting cities on the continent. Subtitles in English and other languages, please click on 'Untertitel', then 'Einstellungen' then again 'Untertitel' and on 'automatisch übersetzen'. Franzisca Kopanev. Faculty level contracts allow for the flexibility and strategic coordination necessary in order to maintain the highest standards of teaching and research, to keep us up to speed with academic trends, and to share and create innovations with one another. If you are looking for more detailed information please refer to the Erasmus pages of … BA/MA: Languages, Philology, English Studies (auch für Amerikanistik-Studierende) www.bangor.ac.uk. Datenschutz *: Ich bin mit der Verarbeitung meiner Daten zum Zwecke des Newsletters der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin einverstanden. email: christa.brunsch@uv.hu-berlin.de phone: +49 (0)30 2093-46736 fax: +49 (0)30 2093-46716 Contact persons for incoming Erasmus students. Begrüßungsvideo der Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät - Untertitel verfügbar! 23.09.2020: Probevorträge im Berufungsverfahren zur Besetzung der Juniorprofessur "Fachdidaktik Englisch", Untertitel verfügbar! Information about the ERASMUS programme and the application process The ERASMUS programme enables 200,000 students each year to study abroad for one or two semesters. Assistant Erasmus Coordinator. : +49 30 2093-66280 erasmus.culture@hu-berlin.de Skype: erasmus-office_culture_arts (by arrangement) Room: 4.12. 2) Your knowledge of German is at least at GER level B2. Moreover, a lot of people had told me a great deal about this city, I wanted to discover it by myself. 460 € monthly, Rooms for rent in shared flats, 12 days ago Cozy little room with loft bed, furnished and decorated. Dorotheenstr. Therefore you are part of the largest group of exchange students at the HU, which has one of the highest numbers of ERASMUS incoming students in Germany. Erasmus students Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Mr. Matthias PARSKE, Erasmus+International Institutional Coordinator, called hereinafter „ the institution “ or „HU“, of the one part, and the . Consultation hours on Wednesdays 4-6 pm; no application required. KONTAKT Dr. D. Buchmann. Erasmus-Coordinator Incoming & Outgoing Erasmus-Coordinator: PD Dr. Frank Riesbeck Student Assistant: Sophia Köpke. Each year around 1,000 ERASMUS students from as many as 30 countries come to study at the HU. Die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin veröffentlicht auf einer zentralen Website laufend aktuelle Informationen zu Entscheidungen der HU über Maßnahmen gegen eine weitere Verbreitung des Coronavirus. BA: German Studies, Romance Studies, English Studies, Slavic Studies, History, Music Sprachanforderungen: IELTS 6.5 with not less than 6.0 in any one component. : +49.30.2093.9798 The learning agreement will be given to the ERASMUS coordinator, Dr. Matthes, for signature. Foto: Jan von Allwörden/DAAD. In any case, we recommend that you take part in a language course at HU that is specifically intended to support university-level study in German. Cozy room in center of Berlin for young woman from March 1, 2021. Archaeology. The university boasts many great alumni such as; Albert Einstein, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Karl Marx and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Information for Erasmus students in HU , Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany: blogs, experiences and photos. Because in the fields of graphic design and art in general, this city is particularly interesting and enriching. Tel. On the basis of applications in AGNES, you should complete the learning agreement within two weeks after beginning studies at the latest. University of Bangor. ERASMUS+ International: erasmus.international@hu-berlin.de HU students who are currently studying abroad If you are currently studying abroad, consider whether returning to Germany is an option. Aktuelle Hinweise veröffentlichen wir jeweils in den Bereichen Lehre und Studium, Akademische Angelegenheiten sowie Haushalt und Personal. Diese werden auf oben angegebener Webseite veröffentlicht. Erasmus Code: D BERLIN13 Website: www.hu-berlin.de Humboldt University of Berlin is the oldest university in Berlin (founded in 1810). ; Documents Supporting documents to help individual participants as well as organisations.. Room 319 Phone: (+49 30) 20 93-20 59 E-Mail: erasmuwi@hu-berlin … Search.

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