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On Aug. 16, 2018, in Offenburg, a city in southwestern Germany near the French border, a 26-year-old man from Somalia stabbed a general practitioner to death in his practice in front of his assistant. Instagram. Sie ist die schöne Vorzeige-Sozialistin, er der bekannteste Linke Deutschlands – zusammen sind sie das schillerndste Paar in der Politik: Sahra Wagenknecht (42) und Oskar Lafontaine (68). A full 38 percent would like to ban Muslims from immigrating to Germany. By DER SPIEGEL Staff, The Riots in Chemnitz and Their Aftermath, Frequently Asked Questions: She didn't share the nostalgia that many eastern Germans had after the fall of communism. Sahra Wagenknecht (40) ist Wortführerin der Kommunistischen Plattform in der Linkspartei. Liebesnest für Oskar Lafontaine und Sahra Wagenknecht Oskar Lafontaine hat schon zu Jahresbeginn ein Haus in Merzig-Silwingen erworben. Some participants covered their faces to avoid being identified while others raised their right arms in the Hitler salute. The rapper Namika performed and City Hall was lit up by colorful lights. The authorities refused to acknowledge that the crime might have been motivated by right-wing extremism, in part because Milbradt was concerned about the state's image. In response, Dulig literally donated his kitchen table to the cause of societal enlightenment two years ago. On two occasions, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) interviewed him, most recently just a few weeks before the murder of Daniel H. -- almost three years after he had entered the country. The investigation was closed with the consent of the East German public prosecutor's office. Firecrackers and smoke bombs flew through the air, as did paving stones. Precincts were closed, leaving entire regions with almost no police. "There are idiots everywhere," he says. First as deputy party chairman, then as group vice, since 2015 as head of the parliamentary group. He said he had fallen in love with a girl, but her father and uncle were not happy with the situation. It was "a question of honor," he told the BAMF officials. Saxony has become a breeding ground of right-wing activists, with right-wing structures having become solidified shortly after German reunification. Every fourth voter plans to cast their ballot for the right-wing populists, putting the party in second place behind Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU). "Daniel was the kind of person who would have done anything for his family and friends," says the friend. In Chemnitz right now, it's clear who's winning this battle. "We can win this battle," he says. Indeed, against the liberal, universal values of an enlightened, cosmopolitan society. Sehen Sie – auch ich bin gespalten, suche meine innere Einheit: Ich bin charismatisch, zugleich aber auch ein scheues Reh. Nach der 2007 erfolgten Vereinigung der PDS mit der WASG konnte sie ihren Einfluss in der Nachfolgepartei Die Linke erweitern. His father is involved in a pro-Kurdish political party. LG. As such, he said, it's helpful to pull back and look at the forest through the trees and to focus the discussion on the actual issues. "I'm very depressed," Dulig said in the ballroom, adding that he had nothing but compassion for the family of the man who died, "but that nobody has the right to engage in vigilante justice." A Surge in Support for Right-Wing Populists, In many places, Vorländer says, a crack is now running through the middle class in Saxony. „Wer wird denn jetzt“, fragen wir, „auf der Promi-Liste stehen, die Sie am 4. Police officials believe that 677 repeat offenders, mostly from Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Georgia, were responsible for over 7,000 infractions. "Our greatest political opponent is not the AfD. "This ambivalence is typical of Saxony," says Hans Vorländer. They consider the most important problem facing the state to be "asylum policy" and "too many foreigners" as opposed to poverty among the elderly or public infrastructure. There were fewer break-ins, fewer car thefts and fewer robberies. A restaurant owner who has employees from all over the world complained that people don't want to be served by foreigners. "I expect everyone in the Free State of Saxony to categorically oppose this," he said at the time. It was a weekend in which the people of Chemnitz actually wanted to celebrate. @Reisemichel Der Artikel ist auf der Seite "Warheit" erschienen. Das hat die G 20 im Jahr eins der großen Finanzkrise im Herbst 2008 angekündigt. On Facebook, he liked Bob Marley and Left Party floor leader Sahra Wagenknecht in addition to following groups like "No Need for Nazis." They allowed the march to proceed hundreds of meters through the city center and advised immigrants to stay at home. ist die einzige Satire- und Humorseite einer Tageszeitung weltweit. The violence in Chemnitz "is the intentionally provoked apex of a development that has been coming for almost 30 years," Christian Wolff, the former pastor of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, writes on his website. Die unterstützen die gute linke Sache, haben „sich bisher aber noch nicht öffentlich geäußert und zur Bewegung bekannt“. Those who are responsible for ensuring that the citizens of Chemnitz can live in the city free of fear now find themselves in the position of having to explain how they underestimated the size of the right-wing protests. That, at least, is the perception of many who lost out as a result of the changes that came after reunification in 1990. "But in every city of 250,000, murders and rapes unfortunately occur. Although she herself grew up in East Germany, there is no place in the country where she is less liked than in the east. Initially, according to his files, officials wanted to send him back to Bulgaria because they believed that he had submitted an asylum application there. In 1987, 50 Germans and 50 Arabs clashed in Leipzig, with the mob calling out: "Germany for the Germans," "Foreigners get out," and "Germany awaken." Die "Wahrheit" ist die Satireseite der taz. They chase down and attack migrants, they set fire to asylum-seeker hostels, they have apparently abandoned human decency itself, along with civilized debate and the political system of representational democracy. Saxony is the fertile soil out of which Pegida (which stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) sprouted, the xenophobic group that has been staging weekly marches against Muslims since autumn 2014. They knew each other because they both come from the same city in Syria. Einerseits bin ich Stil-Ikone, andererseits trage ich privat schon mal Schlabber-Couture und silberne Crocs. In the town of Merseburg, a rampaging mob drove a group of Cubans into the local Saale River, resulting in two drownings. Around 800 people collected not far from the site of the stabbing. Die einen sehen in mir Rosa Luxemburg, die anderen Frida Kahlo. Three cities in Germany. "Terms like heimat (homeland) and a strong regional identity on the one hand, and a cosmopolitan openness on the other. And the effect they are having becomes apparent when you read the back pages of the newspaper. In no other German state is the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany party so successful: Every fourth voter plans to cast their ballot for the right-wing populists in next year's election in the state. The result was that Kretshmer's reaction following the riots in Chemnitz -- when he said that the events "need to wake up all of us" and that we "cannot let up in the fight against right-wing extremism" -- were broadly accepted as being authentic. "You'll have to show them to me, where they come from." Bislang ist ja nur bekannt, dass sich die Grünen-Rentnerin Antje Vollmer ebenfalls aufrappeln will. Das „schöne und kluge Aushängeschild der Linkspartei“ (SuperIllu) geleitet uns ins Wohnzimmer, einen Traum in Apricot und Shabby-Chic. The spectrum of those active in the region is extensive, he says. He also indirectly called for vigilante justice. The message: In Chemnitz, neo-Nazis and hooligans are leading the city's response to the crime. They presented their own view of events at a press conference, with Tino Chrupalla, deputy AfD floor leader in the federal parliament, saying that citizens feared for their own safety and that of their children. Yousif A. had a room to himself even though he only ever slept there twice a month. "Every attack is one too many and terrible for the victims," Runkel says. Nina Hagen is on Facebook. Strahlend lächelnd bittet uns die Fraktionschefin der Linkspartei in ihre Villa. In … But few doubt that it will fuel pro-AfD sentiment. "Our feeling is that Saxony's image cannot be translated into a global selling point," the agency said in a statement. Was hat die TAZ sich mächtig nach Rechts bewegt. The scenes were gruesome. The state cabinet member takes it with him as he travels across the state to lend people his ear and a bit of support. Video cameras have recently been installed and a mobile police station has been set up where citizens can report their concerns. In some spots, there were no law enforcement officers at all between the two blocks. Sahra Wagenknecht, who has been praised as a leading member of the country's next generation of politicians, ... Man Utd will know how to exploit Liverpool weakness after Aston Villa FA Cup showing. He then joined a human chain. For many in Chemnitz, there is absolutely no problem with being right-wing. Wir freuen uns über eine Dass daneben Jan Ulrich, Jörg Kachelmann und Uschi Glas ebenfalls für einen flachen Witz missbraucht werden, ist ja dann schon fast ein Kollateralschaden. Three AfD parliamentarians from Saxony certainly don't. „Zentrum für die Erneuerung der Demokratie“ steht auf dem Türschild der Villa. But foreign students at the Technical University still aren't daring to leave home, even to just go to the library. The right-wing demonstrators used the victim of the knife attack as an excuse to stage their demonstration of power. As Vorländer emphasizes, however, many in the state are now standing up against right-wing extremism. Dezember 1990 (kurz nach der Wiedervereinigung) und von 1995 bis 1999 SPD-Vorsitzender. Meanwhile, the right wing seems to have the upper hand in Saxony. We have regressed. By contrast, Waibel notes that there were no known racist mob attacks on foreigner hostels in western Germany until 1992. "We underestimated the situation," a police spokesman admits. Bautzen, Freital, Heidenau, Clausnitz and now Chemnitz. ", This is where AfD and Pegida come into play, he says, "with the way they project things onto the foreigner, the Muslim and the black man from Africa who sexually harasses women. There are few public spaces where the chancellor can make appearances there without being subjected to verbal attacks. The police, says a senior officer in an attempt to explain the sympathy held by some officers for AfD and Pegida, is a reflection of society and its development. Ein Bitzli-Bisschen so wie ein Arsch beziehungsweise mein Mann.“ Der Mann im Fernseh­sessel winkt mit der Fliegenklatsche. Officials in Germany are concerned about how quickly right-wing elements were able to organize the riots and are now investigating to find out if secret structures are in place. Why is it always Saxony? Bitte registrieren Sie sich und halten Sie sich an unsere Netiquette. The two women live in Kompott, a leftist-alternative cultural and residency center. Again the police were overwhelmed and again, they were unable to disperse the demonstrations. A Bulgarian filed a criminal complaint for assault. Crime statistics for the state of Saxony support Runkel's assessment. Confidential documents from the AfD "Convent," a body that helps to determine the party's political direction, show that considerations were made early on about how the party could strategically exploit headline-grabbing violent crimes. Bei Sarah Wagenknecht, wagt sie aber die Gleichberechtigung. For the young physicist from Templin, the GDR was a small, old-fashioned world that she quickly left behind once the Wall fell. Nach der Bundestagswahl im September 1998 Gerhard Schr… Reissig also points to the positive example set in Heidenau, the site of an incident which saw hundreds of demonstrators seeking to prevent asylum-seekers from entering their dormitory. The Nazis cultivated that myth, as did the East German Communist Party. In Saxony, he said, no buildings had been burned and no one had been killed yet. „Ach Quatsch, ich habe überhaupt nichts gegen Flüchtlinge, sie sind Menschen wie ich – oder wären es jedenfalls, wenn sie etwas mehr Bildung hätten und schönere Sachen an, zum Beispiel mal ein Damenkostüm in angesagter Bouclé-Optik mit paspelierten Taschen und langen Puffärmeln. He lived with three other refugees -- one from Syria, one from Iraq and one from Iran -- in a shared apartment located in multifamily dwelling. Und wie kam sie auf den tollen Namen #Aufstehen? These places have become shorthand for scenes of enraged crowds, their faces contorted in anger as they chant vulgarities against refugees or the chancellor. The images they created are evocative of an era that Germany had thought it had left behind; they are reminiscent of the racist 1992 attacks in the Lichtenhagen neighborhood of Rostock, which saw a mob set fire to an occupied hostel for Vietnamese workers as neighbors stood by applauding. "For us as an organization, it was basically a capitulation," says Löscher. The hoodlums are, of course, far from being in the majority in Saxony. Für Fragen zu Rechten oder Genehmigungen wenden Sie sich bitte an lizenzen@taz.de. Combating right-wing extremism is most successful, he said, when it comes from the center of society. Der Mann im Fernsehsessel schaut verwirrt auf, dann fängt er weiter Fliegen. „Es gibt also einen Mann in Ihrem Leben?“, fragen wir, doch die süße Sozialistin winkt müde ab. And there was another thing that fueled their doubts about its veracity: Two personal documents that he presented were, according to a BAMF examination, "complete falsifications." Migrants take away our jobs, they threaten our culture and they threaten our women. Saxon Economy Minister Martin Dulig is one of the few politicians who has spoken out clearly for years when the state has been hit by right-wing extremist riots, in part due to his own personal experience. Shortly after assuming his current position in 2015, Public Prosecutor General Peter Frank told DER SPIEGEL that he would take a hardline approach when it came to right-wing extremists. And, in turn, many eastern Germans feel doubly betrayed by Merkel -- because she never came across as a champion of the east and when she suddenly found a heart for people during the refugee crisis, it was for ones who couldn't even speak German. In der Berliner Bundespressekonferenz, mit krassem Manifest, schickem Hashtag, einer mitreißenden Hymne – und der feierlichen Bekanntgabe von vierzig Hochprominenten. In a major speech delivered in July 2015, he issued a plea for greater international character and cosmopolitanism, and he strongly condemned violence and hatred against refugees. Friends say that Daniel H. strongly opposed the far-right and that he "never would have wanted these protests.". Another time, in February 2016, he ran drunk in front of a snowplow and other vehicles at around 3:30 a.m. and was charged with traffic interference and given a fine. Saxony is the fertile soil out of which Pegida sprouted, the xenophobic group that has been staging weekly marches against Muslims since autumn 2014. The reasons the researcher provides for the attacks sound familiar: social envy and social Darwinist views. But nothing has alienated eastern Germans from Merkel to the degree the refugee crisis has. Verstehen Sie den Witz?“. Right-wing extremism is a nationwide phenomenon, not a specifically Saxon one. Ach woher denn – Tausende, ja Millionen! The state didn't actually want those residents to integrate with the domestic population. On Aug. 29, 2018, the agency rejected the 22-year-old's asylum application -- three days after he is suspected of having stabbed Daniel H. in Chemnitz. It isn't without irony that it is in eastern Germany where Angela Merkel, herself of East German extraction, is so passionately hated. In 2017, for example, neo-Nazis threw rocks through the front window of the reading café. The dissatisfaction of many Germans about their own political and economic situation manifested itself in aggression against migrants. Merkel had no sympathy whatsoever for the special mixture of self-pity and aggression that enabled xenophobia to flourish in the east. At the same time, most in the state are satisfied with their own life situation -- their work, housing and free time -- and Saxons tend to be optimistic about the future. Besonders freut mich aber, dass Bernd Lucke und Frauke Petry mit im Boot sind. One motion made to the party convent was for "professional signs and banners" to be made that were to be emblazoned with "Thank you, Mrs. Merkel," that could be posted at "highly frequented sites." Today, he and his staff teach the basics of democracy and personal respect in schools and day care centers. To get a better picture of why the east, in particular, seems to provide so many ugly images of aggressive neo-Nazis, it helps to dive into history. The local theater's ballet director has also recommended to her dancers, many of whom come from other countries, that they not walk through the city alone. Chemnitz at the moment resembles a city in a police state. Fiebernd schreiben wir mit, im Stehen selbstverständlich, denn die Kraft der Sammlungsbewegung hat auch uns erreicht. That's how things were -- at least until the strangers came from the West and thoughtlessly and often arrogantly turned things upside down according to their own rules. A demonstration against the federal government's refugee policies was registered, but only very few turned up to march. Yousif A. told the officials why he had to flee the northern Iraqi province of Ninive, and it had nothing to do with the political situation there. Die Spannung ist jetzt schon unerträglich. But who cares about the official statistics? The AfD benefits demonstrably from this victim narrative. One group, called "HooNaRa," has attracted particularly close attention over the years, its name standing for "Hooligans Nazis Racists." Man sollte ich nicht durch seine persönlichen Abneigungen leiten lassen. The revulsion over this fact can be heard in many voices, from the chancellor to the German president, from German business leaders to foreign commentators. Rather than dealing with the problem of radical youth in his state, Biedenkopf preferred to cultivate a brand of cozy regional patriotism. Thirty-seven years old, Löscher has been familiar with the right-wing scene in Chemnitz for more than 20 years. Prior to that, he was a public prosecutor and a judge. Das tun ja schon andere, zum Beispiel mein Mann.“. When it comes to serious crimes like murder and manslaughter, the number of cases is so low that fluctuations are more indicative of chance than of shifting trends. Ist halt Eure Lieblingsfeindin. The official line was not that migrants has been attacked in Mügeln, but that the reputation of Mügeln itself had been attacked by outsiders. Der Hausdiener? It is half true, and half false. The archive has been monitoring the right-wing scene across Germany for almost three decades, including the one in Chemnitz. Sahra Wagenknecht (1969–): Left-wing politician ; Greece. After 20 attacks, her landlord cancelled her lease. Indeed, it is unclear why he was never deported back to Bulgaria. Over the course of several months, there were attacks on alternative cafés and clubs while a Left Party lawmaker was forced to find a new office. „Ich wurde schon so oft missverstanden, dass ich direkt zur Miss-Wahl gehen könnte – als Miss Verstanden. But the 43-year-old has already been astoundingly clear where he stands in the fight against right-wing extremism. A correspondent from public broadcaster ARD asked how he could reach that conclusion given that official statistics show that violent crime is dropping in Saxony. A private security service stood guard at the meeting in City Hall. When asked about the knife assault on Daniel H., Yousif says: "It simply doesn't fit.". Und das nur, weil sie das Offensichtliche erkannt hatte: Linke Forderungen nach noch mehr Einwanderung ins deutsche Sozialsystem vergraulen die Wähler der Linken im Osten. In the summer of 2017, the German pollster Infratest dimap surveyed around 1,000 Saxons on behalf of the governor's office. Fear seems to be a dominant feature of life in Chemnitz. "For many, this marked the final collapse of a world that had defined itself as Saxon.". Wenn sie auf Kosten von Frauen geht, ist die taz sonst eher empfindlich. Fifty-six percent already consider the number of foreigners in the country to be "dangerous" although most of them claim that they hardly ever have any personal contact with foreigners. The right-wing group "Pro Chemnitz" then called for a protest to be held the next evening and mobilized 6,000 people. After all, it fits perfectly into the right-wing cliché of the instinct-driven refugee.

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